Doubly Good

Twenty-six years ago I asked Robin to marry me. In most aspects it was just another normal Friday. I had worked the night before but had stayed up because I had the weekend off and wouldn’t have to be back until Sunday night. Robin was working and we had plans for lunch just like we normally did. I picked her up and we swung through the drive-through at Hardees. I don’t remember what she got but I’m pretty sure I had the Big Roast Beef (R.I.P.) and curly fries. We drove out to Battle Park and parked so that we could look out over the river. There wasn’t anything special about the location but it wasn’t too far from where she worked.

We sat and ate and I listened while she talked about her day. She wasn’t having a good day and was obviously frustrated. Even though I can remember all of this, I don’t really remember what I said or exactly how I turned the conversation. What I did do was take out the ring I had just finished paying for that morning. For someone who likes to write and record things, I am afraid that I can’t elaborate much more than that. I used to have a bunch of actual notebooks that I used as journals and there was quite a bit written in there about that day but those books were lost in one our moves several years ago (along with our wedding photos). The exact details are lost to time unless Robin can recall more than that. She may be able to so you can ask her what she remembers about that moment.

What I remember most is that at that very moment I realized I was with the woman I would spend the rest of my life with. That was twenty-six years ago and this year makes twenty-five since we got married. I can honestly say I love her more now than I did then. Truthfully, I love her more now than I ever thought was possible. It sounds dorky and I know it’s right out of the movies but she really does complete me. Sometimes it really does feel like God made her specifically for me. For that, I am eternally grateful. In the words of Rich Mullins, God was doubly good to me.

Grace and peace.

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